In effort to help out the beginning programmers out there and as a general public service there will be a number of tutorials written and placed here for the public. It is my goal to educate a new generation of programmers to help utilize their creativity. I only have two tutorials right now, but there will be more on the way eventually.

Recent Updates:

[2-24-09] I've added two more appendices to the Winsock tutorial, the "More examples" and "TCP vs. UDP" sections at the end. Also some minor updates throughout the page and I finally reformatted the Winsock Errors page that I yanked from MSDN.

[1-30-09] I migrated the tutorials into the rest of my website. I left 301 redirects from the old location and I'll leave them up as long as possible. Fixed a few minor HTML issues, content is all still the same.


Winsock - Windows sockets tutorial. Covers basic client/server operation, includes examples.

Classes/Structs - A platform independant tutorial on C++ object oriented programming constructs. Includes several basic examples.